Thursday 18 January 2018

Evaline Wambui, shares her journey and passion in the artistic path of photography, design & modeling!

1. Who is Evaline Wambui?
A:I am a 21 year old  who loves photography,art and being independent,
trying to make it in the competitive life. I am currently based in

2. What inspired your passion for modeling & photography?
A: Realizing that there is so much beauty in every single thing that
exists no matter how worn out it looks from a distance spiked my
interest towards photography and modelling.
3. Who is your greatest inspiration in fashion and style?
A: I admire Katy Perry. She is my inspiration and will continue to be.
She is so simple and humble and if anyone knows her past life and how
she is now, they understand that you can do your style simple and not
mind what other people think or say. She is going places in the
modelling and music industry.

4. What other your other interests & hobbies apart from fashion & modeling?
A:As much as I love fashion and photography, I always make time for a
little travel. You never know who you meet out there, how and under
what circumstances. Connect with people they maybe a stepping stone to
your next big goal. I also enjoy music.

5.Do you receive any support or criticism from friends in fashion & modeling?
A: I have my mum and my family and friends who give me a lot of support
and that is one thing that always keeps me going. Most of who by the
way, say I have good taste when it comes to fashion. Need I say

6. Any creative project that you are working on this year?
A:Yes yes yes. I have so much I am working on aimed at my photography
career and I hope to find more support and achievements on the way.

7. What are your dreams and aspirations in modeling in the next 3years?
A; In a few years to come, I want my name to be out there as an
inspiration to as many people as possible and especially women on
fashion and basic matters of life as well.

8. How can you be reached on social media by designers who wish to
involve you in their shoots & projects?
A:Let's talk. Email:
On instagram @evaline_wambui
9. Where are you currently based?
 A: Nairobi, Kenya
10. What's your parting shot?
A:I once travelled to China and a friend of mine made me meet her
granny. Well most Chinese people can barely speak English but this one
spoke Swahili. Believe it or not. And I was like, 'Wait, is this even
possible?" And so I confronted the old guy and this is what he told
me. There is so much that can be achieved as long as you get on your
heels and find it. There will be barriers along the way but focus! Be
humble and remember a candle loses nothing by lighting another.

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