Monday 17 September 2018

Meet Angie the twerker! vibrant personality with a passion for acting shares her vibe

1. Hey, how would you like to introduce yourself?
1.) I’m Angie Chege, (the twerker and the Slay Queen from Nakuru.
 2. Some people think you play a lot, how would you describe your personality?                       
2) I Am real. My personality is very natural. Am just me, and I don't pretend to be am
just me.
3. When the camera rolled on perfect match show, did you think you"d end up acting the way you did playing hard on the boy child?                 
3) Nothing was scripted. I was just being myself. Since I was younger people
would call me funny, coz when I talked they would laugh even when I don't see
 the joke. During the perfect match the guys behind the cameras kept on laughing.
whenever I could speak and they told me I would trend
4. What are your hobbies and interests?
4) I enjoy dancing and twerking a lot. I also love
acting since people think am funny and have a sense of humor. I also
enjoy travelling and socializing. I also enjoy swimming 

5. Have you ever considered actively getting into the entertainment and arts industry?
5)Yes, it has always been my dream to get into the acting industry, and am now
very glad and hopeful that at least am getting into the industry bit by bit .
6. Who or what is your biggest inspiration?
6)My mum is my greatest inspiration. That woman has taught me to be a go
getter and not to give up on what I believe is right. My Dad who is a
Pastor, has also taught me to always be prayerful and to always put
all my trust in God. My Guka who I also love so much tells me to stay
focused on my Education coz he wanna see me Abroad,which I believe I
will go there soon. I also look upto Ann Kansiime and Shaniqwa. They
really inspire me in the industry. Dj Shiti too.I love there kind of
 7. Do you reckon that social media gives youth platform to
network and express themselves adequately or do you perceive is as a distraction?                                   
7)As much as everything has an advantage and disadvantage.
Personally I consider Social Media as the best plat form for many

8. How can you be reached on social media?

8)Angie Chege in all platforms

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