Wednesday 25 April 2018

Sarah Guidine keen on her pursuit of success in modeling & tells of her journey chasing the dream!

1. Hey Sarah, how would like to introduce yourself?
1. Hey! My name is Sarah Guidine , 21 years of age. currently studying International Business Administration at the United States International University. I’m a freelance model based in Nairobi, Kenya

2. Tell us a little about your background?
2. My background is very diverse actually, I could say I am a bit too exotic? My dad is Congolese and my mum is Iranian. I have Seychellois blood too, from my dad. 

3. When did you discover your passion for modeling & fashion?
3. I have always loved the camera. I have photos of from when I was 5, posing you’d think it was some sort of competition! But i started taking it seriously when I joined university and I would and still get people approaching me, asking to work with me, I decided to give it a try and that’s when I realized it is something I want to continue with and grow in. I’m 2 years in.

4.  How has the journey been for you, since you joined the modeling & fashion industry?
4. The journey has been quite good. I have worked with amazing people, collaborated with creatives and so far I am loving it. Of course as a model, you also meet people who seem shady and when I come across such, I just distance myself. This hardly happens though! 

5. Do you reckon there is growing potential and opportunities in East Africa and Africa at large compared to other regions globally?
5. I think Easy Africa in general has growing potential, I believe there is so much talent that is being slept on. People just need to be focused really. But I see so many growth opportunities in the industry!

6. What are some of the big brand names you aspire to work with in East Africa and  internationally?
6. I aspire to work with Coca Cola. Someday!

7. What has been your biggest highlight and also your biggest challenge thus far?
7. My biggest highlight has been meeting all the amazing people I have met and remaining in contact with them. My challenge (sometimes) is that I can get too shy, despite being a model, I am human too, I get awkward at 

8. Where do you aspire to be in the next 3 years career wise?
8. I aspire to be working in one of the best chain Hotels holding a management position. 

9. What are your other interests and hobbies apart from modeling?
9. I love to read Self-help books, eating and swimming. 

10. Who has been your biggest influence in life and who are some of your most favorite fashion icons?
10. My mother has been my biggest influence in my life. I love her to death. She continues to inspire me every single day. My fashion icon would be Malaika Firth. 

11. How can you be reached on social media for business links?
11. I can be reached through @sarahguidine on all social media platforms 

12. Give us a parting shot or life mantra that keeps you going & motivated.
12. Everything I need is within me and I can create anything that I visualize. I am enough.

1 comment:

  1. Keep going. Keep being you.Stay blessed.Love
