Friday 17 May 2019

East African Model Hebil Lovet shares her aspirations to soar higher in the African model & entertainment industry

1. Hey Hebil Lovet, how would you like to introduce yourself?
1. My name is Hebil Lovet. I am 20 years old. I’m an ICS student. I model as a passion, basically as a fashion and commercial model. I’m also a video vixen.
 2. When did you discover your passion for modeling?
2. When i was young i was always fascinated by taking pictures and the outcome was
always on point. The more pictures I took, the more the passion grew on me.

 3. What common challenges does one often encounter as a beginner in modeling?     
3. As a beginner, the challenge comes in when one has no idea on where
 to start or who to go to for guidance.  We’ve had cases whereby aspiring models have been conned by agencies that are not legit and this discourages most of them into not pursuing
their dreams.    

4. How has the experience in modeling been so far for you?
4. Well, so far so good. Working with the right people has made my
experience easier and have a positive attitude.
5. Whom do you look up to for inspiration locally or globally?
5. My inspiration is Sheila Kanini, recently crowned Miss Polo Kenya 2018.
We were once school mates and one could easily notice her thirst in
following her dreams since then. Her efforts therefore haven’t gone in
vain. That, has always inspired me to keep pushing.
6. Any brands that you have worked with so far and which brands
 do you aspire to work with in future?
6. So far i’ve worked with an upcoming clothing brand from the UK to
showcase their outfit samples. I will keep the brand name anonymous
until it’s officially launched. I’m looking forward to work with Nivea,
Emirates, Kenya Airways and Delmonte among many others.

7. What do you aspire to achieve in your modeling career in the next
two years?   
 7. As quoted by Maya Angelou, “Do the best you can until you
know better. Then when you know better, do better.” Therefore it’s to
be better and a well recognized model than i am at the moment. 

8. What has been your biggest highlight so far?   
 8. My biggest highlight so far has been getting features as video model/vixen on recent projects. So many people assume the video vixens but only a person who  truly understands the beauty of art in a music video will get the aesthetic purpose of the video models.           
9. Are you signed under any modeling/creative agency? 
9. Well, i’m not signed under any agency at the moment. I’m a freelance model. I
may consider getting signed to one in future.                    
10. As a Kenyan model, do you reckon Kenya has realized the full potential of the modeling & fashion industry? If not what can be done.   
 10. No, they often emphasize and give opportunities to models who have already been exposed and have experience rather than assisting any budding models who need direction.
Brands will eventually need new faces  thus becomes a task to them when the time comes.
The best thing to do is  to venture both professional and  upcoming models into the industry.   
11. What are your other interests apart from modeling? 
 11. My other interests include; ushering and hostessing.            
12. How can you be reached on social media?
12. You can reach me on; Twitter @hebillovett ,Instagram @hebillovet
Facebook @ Hebil Lovet.         

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