Thursday 29 November 2018

End of Year Resolutions

News alert! Its probably not much surprise to many that the year 2018 has ran too fast and we are now counting down days to the close of the year. Well, for many that were literary fans of the "lets draft new year resolutions" wagon, its only key that we have a sit down in a circle and reevaluate our progress in the year from a creatives stand point and see the mess we made out of 2018 or rather the big miraculous steps and leaps of faith we took in regards to the various creative projects we embarked from say around January , february of March for the late adaptors.

From a creatives stand point, some of the resolutions we make along the way for instance is "no more free shows or free products/ service, interviews, collabos" well, we often stand by that only for a while before a friend/ fan comes by and sweeps you off your resolution just to find your self in that free stuff wagon again. Apparently another resolution creatives would perhaps is " i will now take a more active approach and role in marketing my craft, my music my art, both offline and online"
 It actually seems to work for a little while that one, before, this marketing thing becomes a bore eventually and you hope some magic will pop up and your art will market itself.

Ideas and resolutions will always pop up. Actually sometimes we make the best resolutions but lack the courage , good will and consistency to follow up and be accountable to this resolutions mid year or end year regardless of whether they be fitness, financial, spiritual, social and otherwise and now we are haeded once again to the start of a promising new year 2019, where we are willing to carry foward our struggles and ambitions from the previous year only this time in a package labelled as 2019 Resolutions!

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