Saturday 7 April 2018

From passion to profit; commodifying & monetize your craft!

From passion to profit; commodifying your craft
The journey of a creative or rather any artist in diverse disciplines is marred by a myriad of challenges. From the view point of an art consumer, the challenges include an identity assumption, revolution and growth to realizing art at the point where its most effective delivered by the artist.
Often artists will fall off their creative path from criticism or even better the lack of patience to see their effort come to fruition and the juncture where their art is embraced, appreciated and considered impactful. One of the most critical challenges for the artist in the journey is transcending from passion and mere hobby to actually getting monetary reward or profiting from their art.

One key step to get started on the journey to monetize your craft is packaging. How do you package and present your art. More often the art and package is one and the same personal, so the packaging is closely tied to your personal branding also. The second thing worth consideration is delivery. How do you delivery your craft as an artist? Is there inherent discipline and professionalism in the way you do it?
 In delivery also lies the element of what mediums you chose to adopt for the delivery of your music , art  or creative content and whether it allows your art to be enjoyed in the most pure form and how convenient it is for your audience or targeted consumers of your art to access your product.
 In all its upon the artist to set their mind focused on the two elements of packaging and delivery among other that we shall look into and discuss along the way  after the creative process.


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