Tuesday 13 March 2018

Why it’s important for even upcoming artist to have a small media team.

Over the years, the prominence of social media as a tool for an effective marketing strategy has grown. This plays to the advantage of marketers or anyone trying to promote a product in our case music or other related forms of art. In a bid to spark and foster interest in the commodity, It’s key to have a better understanding of the best channel or medium to promote it through.
The choice of media to use will be primarily informed by the target client, the cost among other critical factors in determining best choice of media. The best thing about social media is that most social media platforms are very easy to use and no specialized experience is needed for anyone to place and push a products, market it to his or her friends or target customers on these diverse platforms.
Over the active periods when the artist is busy performing or involved in other artistic engagements, its imperative that he or she has a team of two or three recording the activity for the log or gallery. The footage comes in handy in solidifying the brand and image of the artists and adds onto the portfolio material. The footage could be critical for future video projects of audio projects in the recording sessions. All this material goes into the artist registry which ought to be updated as regular as possible, the old files count as much as the new ones thus very important in recording the creative journey and the growth of the said artist.
After all is said and done, the growth process can only be capture through this small team and will be critical in helping the artist identify areas for improvement on his craft or his team and make these changes to better the delivery of his craft overtime.

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