Thursday 17 August 2017

Do co-signs still really work for artists?

Do co-signs still really work for artists?
For some reason, there was a persistent notion with some upcoming artists some few years ago. The concern was that for one to break through the music and entertainment industry, one has to have a god father pulling the strings for them and knocking down doors on their behalf. This notion has had many new artists handicapped and unable to press on forward because the doubt crowds their minds on the issue.

Irregardless however, many upcoming artists who are not proponent to the notion have found their way to the center stage and getting closer to success as they are more motivated to do most of the weight lifting for their own without waiting on critical connections others may wait on to make moves in the industry.
In my personal opinion, co-signs are best suited for artists at the same level in the industry. That way the benefit is accrued both ways unlike a situation where the underdog gets a co-sign and the benefit only accrues to him. Some might finger point to some of the greatest names we have in the industry currently as underdogs who took an opportunity in a co-sign and took it next level. Locally Meja might come across as one who rode on the genge wave by Jua cali and made it big. Internationally, Kendrick might across as a Dr Dre co-sign who took the hiphop wave a notch higher through being ‘discovered from Compton that has a history of hiphop with such depth.
These cases of enlightenment might sell the idea of co-signs to new artists as a best option but from where I see tides moving, you would rather get your co-sign along the way as a new artsist instead of waiting on some artist from a big label in the industry to come give you that major boost that will change your career. There is not even time literary for anyone to stand and wait for the opportunity but through your efforts, you have to keep your flame burning and if the opportunity for a co-sign comes, then well and good. If it never happens you can push all the credits to your grind and push your hustle and grind hoping and praying that other channels open up through consistent work in your music or craft.

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