Tuesday 4 July 2017

Pumzi Artist Discovery- Its Wolf, a Nigerian Artist with a trippy global music Vibe!

1. Words only last forever (Wolf) what inspired your stage name?
 A; I just always liked the wolf as an animal, the the acronym really
just came to me radomly

2. What would you label your genre of music as?
A:I just do music, music without a label3. What inspires your music and the process in creating your music?
A:Personal experiences inspire what I write, I usually start off
writing the lyric of the song, then I come up with the melody after I
hear a beat that suits the story behind the lyric. But sometimes it
just comes to me out of nowhere…

4. Who is your biggest influence in music, locally or internationally?
A:Locally Burna boy, I also love mosa because he does purely organic
music, Internationally I just want to write like Frank Ocean. I am
also working towards making my music as psychedelic as Jimi Hendrix.

5. Are you signed to any label in Nigeria or outside?
A:No. I’m basically on the underground working my way up.
6. Are you currently working on an Ep or album that your fans could
expect this year?
A:Yes I am, and its 80% done.
7. You jam, like Beyonce had a really good reception, did you
anticipate so much love and response from that jam?
A:I was hopeful, and it turned out people really liked it.  I just
appreciate all the love, watch out for more good stuff.

8. What's your biggest challenge so far in the industry?
A:Right now it’s got to be breaking into the mainstream. But I’m
always up for a challenge. It will all fall into place I just have to
put in the work

9. What should fans expect from Wolf before the year comes to a close?
A:My debut project, I’m anxious for people to hear it, I’m not saying
it’s going to be a masterpiece but you’re at least going to like a
couple songs.

10. Where do you see yourself in the game in the next 3years?
A:Top of the food chain.11. How can fans get your music online?
A:On soundcloud
my other online links are:
12. What's your advise to upcoming artists in the industry?
A:Be You, Do you
13. Would you rather be. Underpaid or overrated?
A:Haha, overrated over underpaid anyday,,,
14. Parting shot..?..
A:Spread love everyday.

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