Tuesday 29 March 2022


 The environment for creatives around Africa generally have provoked an important line of enquiry or rather just plain logic, with a simple query, " should an artist here consider having a second or a third job?" Regardless of who who ask, the answer is a resounding affirmative without a shadow of doubt.

Before, the onset of the global covid pandemic, the entertainment industry in Kenya was still struggling mainly from the lack of proper structures compared to other parts of the world like Sweden. Half empty or half full glass argument might come up on this one, but reality on the ground is that the pandemic added further complications to an already struggling sector, even thought its still worth noting that there were also artist that still made the most of the difficult situation occasions by global lockdowns.
For complimentary income and to make ends meet as well use live the "lifestyle" artists ought to consider ways of diversify revenue streams from only record sales (digital streams) and show or merchandise money to other multiple ways of generating income off their music, craft and brand in general. With the prevailing economic situations such as inflation, its also important to rethink business model or start up other side jobs or take up 2nd or 3rd jobs for the sake but this also ultimately impacts on their flexibility and creative output to the detriment before finding or creating a balance.

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