Sunday, 4 August 2019

Is the boy child forgotten!?

Following the current news in the society and the world in general we have witnessed deaths of a thousand precious souls of young ladies. These ladies are believed to be smart and well established individuals killed by men believed to be their lovers, sponsors or "boyfriends'. It's sad to loose a daughter, mother,sister, aunt or a niece through murder by Thier believed spouses right?
Now, through the universe analytical report, a large number of people in the society support girl child. We have had demonstrations of young ladies wanting equal opportunities with men, I'm not saying it's a bad thing but they've fought for their right and they are working Extra hard to be there. This intimidates men. Women are taking over the world by storm and in the near future they will be the rulers of the world! We see them as  bread winners,Strong single mothers, smart CEOs , young bosses, independent women and they are now into politics. What is left of a boy child!
Women independency has led to development of ego and pride. A woman would rather buy a sperm from a sperm bank and have artificial babies than getting married!...why? Men are believed to be irresponsible, cheats, perverts, liars and nuisance. To be honest the shown similar behaviour from today's men are disgusting and unbelievable. Men would rather spend time and money with their side chicks but cannot offer the same to their wives and children. Now, women have become smart they get into relationships for material things putting in mind that sooner or later they will be left with broken hearts. So they'd rather spend your money and not invest their feelings. Nobody is there to teach them how to treat a woman, the do's and don'ts are not taken into consideration. Now men are left with no knowledge and skills in life.
Men are left to be the weaker species in the society and in the world. The world has empowered the girl and forgotten the boy child. They said educate the girl and you will educate the society, but see what our girls are getting themselves into. Our boys are not becoming the men we want to be proud of, our boys are not becoming men we want for presidents tomorrow. The world is upside down, no one is taking time to train our boys to be men. Our boys are lagging behind by a larger rate. And we all are failing miserably this is a huge imbalance between girls and boys.
The same way the society is supporting our girls to be women of substance let the same society offer education to our boys to be the great men of tomorrow. Let us train our boys to be the great husbands of tomorrow, to be better brothers, to be better fathers and guardians. The same education offered to girls let it be offered to boys. Let's get educated together and see if we will reduce the number of murders in the world.

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