Sunday 24 March 2019

Melalin, music & pride in our identity as young black artists and creatives

The pride and identity of any person is key in regards to the level of success
and happiness one could achieve in life. Recently, i happened to stumble into an conversation
that could be regarded as a rant by some but here is a brief excerpt of it, regarding identity of 
young black artist and the opinion of one young observer in the generation.
"Blackness has become a mockery. Think about it...
Black musicians celebrate being hustlers, pimps, bitches and gangsters
more than they do being doctors and lawyers. As a result the majority
of the black youth dreams of becoming gangsters and bitches. Even the
way we speak has become anti-black because of the music we listen to.
Black music has become anti-black because it is controlled by white
record labels. Literally everything black entertainers do mocks the
black race.
Our comedians only make jokes about our pain. You hear them mocking
black women who wear weaves, when they are not doing that they mock
the way we speak, they mock our culture and they mock the way we
struggle. Imagine.
Our people strike because they are systematically oppressed yet some
comedians make jokes about this. Which landless race makes jokes about
their dispossession? The land topic has become a joke. We even make
songs about it.
Now you would think things are different in the woke circles. White
Feminism is about building white women and it's about fighting for
their rights. Hence black feminist get mad when white feminist don't
want to join their onslaughts against men. That is because black
feminist spend all their time mocking black men. What does "I only
date rich men, black men are landless, black men are trash, black men
are untrustworthy, black men all need to die, I want to crush the
souls of black men," got to do with building Women, protecting them or
fighting for their rights? Black Feminist are exhausting.
There is a new trend now in woke circles. Everyday I hear
Afro pessimist and some calling black people pieces of shit,
apes and monkeys. This is self hatred, is it not the white slave
masters that use to call blacks apes and pieces of shit? Really this
is progressive in your eyes guys?
Educated blacks spend their time mocking "uneducated" blacks just to
impress whites. Religious blacks spend their time mocking our
ancestors and our culture.
On social networks black people mock their blackness by comparing it
to whiteness. Funny enough they make as if blackness is a joke and
whiteness is normal. For example "White people say snake and black
people say yho yho inyoka" and so on. Black parents spank their kids
while white kids talk to them properly.
Then tomorrow we wonder why the younger generations hate being black.
We then wonder why they speak English more than their home languages.
We wonder why black women psychologically think whiteness looks clean
and blackness is dirty hence the weaves and make up. We wonder why
successful black men marry white women and we wonder why black
feminist dream of marrying white men. They are ashamed of being black.
I won't even mention black success because the first people who hate
on successful black people are black people. If I say I want to become
a billionaire and create a thousand jobs who is the first to mock me?
We spend all our time ridiculing rich blacks and dictating what they
should do with their money.
Our whole existence has become a mockery. My question then is if we
cannot take ourselves seriously then why should the rest of the world
take us seriously? 
My point is if you cannot do your own thinking then the people who are
oppressing you will do your thinking for you."

Its imperative for every young artist to embrace their identity for their work to be truly
authentic in form and to enable them realize their highest sense of self in their diverse forms
and platforms of expression.

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