Friday 4 January 2019

New year, new stance for Kenyan model Magdaline Nasambu - Alfreek poised for greater heights in 2019!

2019 holds promises of growth in the fashion & modeling industry with simmering new talent and entrants into the vibrant fashion scene. Meet Kenyan model; Magdaline Nasambu as she shares her thoughts and inspiration with us.
1. Alfreek might be a new name to most how do you like to introduce yourself?
1.My name is Magdaline Nasambu, a 20 years old Model and  an undergrad
student at the university of Nairobi pursuing Agribusiness management.
 I also work part time doing sales and marketing which I love because it helps me interact
 with different people.
2. When did you discover your interest for modeling?
2. Modelling has always been a passion since I was a kid...I
would wear my mum's heels and walk in them all around the 
house. As I
grew up I discovered interest in acting which has really helped me through my high school period.
I joined Fanaka for performance of highschool set books and am glad everyone loved what I did
around that acting period I decided to resume my modeling. I believed
I could and I knew with the confidence models have, I could make it..I started watching modeling pageants and interacting with models and that way it let me to an audition that has really build me up.   

 3. Sometime modeling is perceived as a side career in the backdrop of other careers,
do you reckon that modeling is taken with the seriousness it deserves?

3. As per my view, many don't take modeling as a serious career some consider
it a passage of time, while others think it's for people who are not
serious and have nothing to do but I’d like them to understand that it
takes courage and self esteem to be a model of is a
career. The government should also step up in an active role to boost the industry
since models are goodwill ambassadors locally and regionally that can actually help build Kenya and take therefore, modeling should actually be an actual consideration for careers in the society.
 4. What critical lessons have you learned along the way through modeling?     
4. I have learnt both negative and positive lessons from modeling, it has helped
me achieve more of my goals that actually I couldn't achieve by
myself.. Modeling has enabled me make friends and also market myself
as a brand of my own despite having some challenges I must say am
pleased and yet to take more of the necessary risk to be where I want to get.

5. Which events and pageants have you been involved with in the recent past?
5. I must say that my best take away was being nominated as the
outstanding model of the year in the house of legacy awards. This has
been my great achievement and one of the best event so far besides
being crowned as the first runners up of Miss culture and Miss Kabete
in the university of Nairobi.   
 6. Do you reckon the modeling, fashion and entertainment
industry has reached it's real potential in Kenya?             
6. To be sincere I must say we still have a long journey  ahead of us..
until that day when modeling will be considered a serious career that is the day
 we will mark as the day one when modeling will hit it's potential. 
7. Which brands and reputable entities would you aspire to work with in
7. I have always dreamt to work with Kenya Airways,Voque models,Crown plaza ,Luxuria lifestyle
and many more just to mention a few
8. What setbacks have you faced so far in modeling?
 8. Challenges have been there like being financially unstable, a lot of scammers in the modeling
 agencies and also being mocked for following one's dream of being a model.
9. What's your advice to young ladies aspiring to get into modeling?           
9.If you have all what it takes then don't allow anything to hold you
back, follow your heart desire many at times challenges will hold you
down but step out and face the crowd by doing that you start by being
an ambassador of your own and the whole world will stand by you...go
get it.

 10. Have you been involved in any social
impact projects through modeling like community voluntary projects?
10. I have been involved in charity work by visiting different
children's home to be with the needy, cheer them up and share with them
the little I had..I have planted trees with the distinguished figures in society after
being crowned as the 1st runners up Miss Kabete University of I must say modeling has greater and wide opportunities
11. How can you be reached on social media?
11.You can always reach me out on my social media;Facebook- Marlyne

Alfreek Vankyl & Instagram-Marlyne Alfreek & twitter
12. What's your parting shot?
12. I would say believe in what you love and
follow your heart despite the challenges. Step out and prove to the world you got all it takes to be what you want to be.


  1. I wish you the best dear got what it takes .let the diamond shine

  2. follow your dreams dear and all will pay at the end. am proud of you.

  3. Let the sky be your limit and stop at nothing in chasing your dreams

  4. Bless up Maggy wish you all the very best 👏

  5. Great stuff.
    I say 'keep going!!'
    In this life I have realized the sky is not the limit. Go beyond, when everyone else is chasing after the same thing.
