Thursday 31 January 2019

Kenyan actress, model, poet and seasoned events organizer, Jackie Wanjiru is determined to make a change

Popularly known as Jackie, the Kenyan model and actress who hails from Embu is determined to make a change regionally and inspire the next generation of models. poets and actors and actresses through her involvement in talent nurturing projects and events in Kirinyaga, Embu & other regions.
Check out our interview with the multi-talented actress below;

1. Hello Jackline, how would you like to introduce yourself?

1.Jackie as they call me is an artist (model,actress,singer,poet)who
is God fearing,daring, ambitious and a risk taker.

2. Tell us a little about your background.

2. Ok, I was born and raised in Kirinyaga but I have also experienced life in the city.
 I trace my roots in Embu, eastern province.
3. You have been involved with events planning especially

involving the youth and kids tell us a bit about that?
3.When I discovered that I was good in organisation and planning of
events, I thought why not target the most sensitive group,the kids and
youth. Moulding and nurturing the youth talents and giving them a
platform is what has been lacking especially in my county.

 4. How has your experience been in working with creatives

such as local designers?
4.Coming from a place where fashion events and the whole modelling
issue is still a jargon,it has been quite challenging for local
designers to fully get out and be upto the challenge.But so far so
good few are showing interest.   


5. What challenges have you faced and opportunities as well?     
5.Opportunities to satisfy a niche that is around and being an eye
opener to lovers of fashion.Most challenging thing is to convince that
actually that this industry is real and on the verge of booming.   
6.Do you reckon that the government is doing enough in regards to talent
development and creating opportunities for the youth?

6.I could say that they are doing something though not much.The present is
in establishing youth talent.What they hold dearly as talent is sports
but talents like acting, comedy,singing are taken lightly.

7.What changes would you like to see in the industry?

7.The creatives being appreciated and recognized and being given more
exposure and chances.

8. What would you advise the youth trying to make a living out
of their passion in art and their talents?    

8.Never quit,nothing comes easy and working on being professionals
even in their talents.Profit follows passion.


9. What projects are you working on in the near future ?
9.Am working on doing pageants that not only give crowns to the
winners but creates an impact to the society.Planning one for the kids
before June.
10. Which organizations and brands would you aspire to work with in

10.Miss world Kenya,Brand Kenya, Churchill,Kenya film commission among others.
11. What are your other hobbies and interests?      
11.I love meeting people, visiting new places, networking and being in the house of worship. 
12. How can you be reached on social media?
12.Yes i am on socia media; facebook Jackie shiro
Insta...jackiewanjiru3, Twitter...-@Jackie shiro
YouTube..Jackie wanjiru.



  1. A nice young vibrant and God fearing youth determined to achieve her goals and steer innovation among the youths.Be blessed sister.

  2. You are Amazing in what you do Jacky...May God grant you that which your heart desires...Good job ..Am happy for you and Am always your number one fan.

  3. I love your passion and zeal for kids and the Youths. Thats the way to go

  4. I can attest to the fact that u do all u do passionately

  5. I appreciate all of you guys for the support and for being part of this growth and change.Together with the help of God we will.

  6. Go go go go go girl. We are all right here cheering on and supporting in the best way we can.
