Friday 29 June 2018

Stacy Viriango, managing director- Jannges Furniture Limited Eldoret dares to dream bigger & urges fellow Kenyan youth to pursue entrepreneurship with passion.

1. Hello Miss Stacy, how would you like to introduce yourself, tell us a little about yourself.
1. I’m Stacy Viriango, a student at the University of Eldoret. The managing director and sales manager at the Jannges Furniture mart...well I grew as any normal kid. I draw my inspiration from everywhere, including from the people around me especially my mom as she used to work at a certain furniture shop as a fundi the only fundi lady there seeing that my interest in the furniture industry grew right from there as i saw her work with men and even doing certain things better than them. I believe in making the world a better place. I am especially passionate about the girl child and this is the drive behind taking a position in the jua kali furniture industry where most women are not given a chance to showcase their skills.

2. How long have you been operating the business?           
2. Literally I can say have been into this business long enough about 8 years now. i started off as a sales lady at the Jankabe furniture when I was about 14 whereby i could join the business during my school holidays and on the weekends.

3. Who are some of the role models you look up to for inspiration in the industry?                  
3. I have several role models, people who I continually learn from, the greatest of whom is my mentor, Jane Kadioli, the C.E.O and founder of Jannges Furniture mart.

4. What's the name of your company and what does your brand stand for?                         
4. Our companies name is Jannges Furniture mart where we make and
sell quality and affordable all type of furniture.

5. What challenges have you faced thus far?                   
5. We've faced lots of challenges in our line of duty but the 3 major challenges are; - increasing costs of materials whereby it sometimes force us into a tight space of either eat the cost or pass it on down the chain to our customers and risk losing business to our competitors.
- we have fluctuating customer demand whereby demand in the furniture industry is heavily dependent on consumer housing trends.
- we also experience shortage of skilled laborers.

6. What opportunities have you encountered?         
6. Opportunities encountered I can be happy to say our company has been able to work with big companies like Mediheal group of hospitals, Eldoret hospital, st.Luke Orthopaedic hospital and Menengai group of companies where we do most of their furnitures which is a great big deal to us.

7. Do you reckon that branding and digital marketing plays a critical role in the growth of
young businesses in Kenya and Africa at large?
7. Yes, many businesses have been able to market their products online through various social media platforms which has greatly helped in coming in contact with the targeted potential consumers. Goods and services can be sold even online nowadays.

8. What's your mantra in business and is the government in Kenya doing enough to support the growth of small & medium enterprises?                   
8. My mantra in business is confidence, innovation and self is not a one day task; one will have to dedicate themselves to the idea. At present there is a rush in everything be creative with what you do in any field. As for the government well, truth be heard I can't say much is done.

9. What's your advice to Kenyan youth who also aspire to start and run a successful business venture?                       
9. My advice to fellow Kenyan youth is education should foster innovation. To succeed they should take the risk, youths should not wait to have a lot of money before they can venture into business. They should seize the opportunity, work smart, be committed, start small and start now, also think on the basis of long term.

10. Capital is a key issue in starting a venture, what are some options you would advice young starters to consider in finding funding for their start up?
10. They can always join chamas and save, they can also always look for a venture capitalist to fund them by presenting their business plan and convincing the capitalist their plan would work eventually
the capitalist will loan in their company.

11. How can clients find your furniture catalogue online?       
11. You can check us up on Facebook @Jannges furniture mart.
We are located in Eldoret along Nairobi Uganda road next to Kenaan motors.

12. How do you juggle between the different roles  in your business and also how do you balance between
work and school?                 
12. All the above mentioned are closely related so it is a fairly comfortable juggle. All I have to do is begin my day early.

13. What's your social media links?   
13. You can find us on our Facebook page; jannges furniture mart
WhatsApp 0790412765 or Call; 0714678290

14. Give us your parting shot
14. ALWAYS do what the clock does....KEEP MOVING no matter what!

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