Organising resources,(creative tools):
As an ardent creative art enthusiast, my affinity for refined creative art grows each say. Sometimes however, I seat back and fold my hands as I wonder what really creates the hug gap in excellence levels between different creative projects for artists.
A big line is drawn among different levels of artists as a result of resources at the disposal of each creative in their different fields if art.Some choose to derive maximum productivity n organise this much better as opposed to those that whine through the creative process only to deliver mediocre output. Nonetheless its imperative that through the creative cycle we inculcate the norm of evaluating and appreciating the resources at hand irregardless, then working towards organising these tools in their simplicity or complexity. They could come in form of a painting brush and canvas board or a musical instrument as simple as a flute.
Organise the little resources you have for maximum creative output and productivity.
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